5 Tips to Improve & Strengthen Left Hook

The left or lead hook is an effective punch every fighter should master, a well-timed hook can have a devastating effect on an opponent. The hook travels a short distance from the start point to the target, making it difficult to defend against. The power is generated from the hip rotating in the direction of the hook transferring the bodyweight from the lead to rear foot. In this blog I will refer to this punch as lead hook because Southpaw stance boxers lead with the right hand.

It takes many hours of training in the gym in developing the hook, initially focus mitt training with the coach to learn correct technique and body mechanics, then undertaking set partner drills including defences against a hook. Punching bag training improves timing and gauging range as the bag sways in different directions, the boxer will use correct footwork to manoeuvre into position and strike the bag with either single lead hooks or combination punches that include the lead hook.

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